Room 12 Lounge
to host
Michael B. Carroll, Jr.
Saturday, Sept 28, 2019
at 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Room 12 Lounge
1200 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA
These poems speak to struggle stemming from both the internal and the external—a collection deeply rooted in the human experience, life philosophies, identity politics, faith, shame, pride, trials, and triumph. The common thread throughout is identity and asks: Who are we? Why are we made to sometimes feel “sub-human?” How does this feeling impact our overall wellness from a physical, emotional, social, and spiritual point-of-view? And most importantly, how do we strive to see the light in people and in ourselves, despite such turmoil—this dichotomy between light and dark.
Books will be available at the event or you can also order copies of the book in our Bookstore.
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