“Mending” by Melanie Green, published in The Poeming Pigeon: A Journal of Poetry & Art (#13), released in October 2023, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
Please enjoy the poem, and feel free to leave a comment.
by Melanie Green
After bumble and debacle,
stress and overdo—
viral flare in the this-body.
Ache and slow
garb of the moment.
So, to the delve
and distill, the verbing
of rest, composition—lull.
Time is spindrift, null.
Fathom hush
through a gentled window.
The human form,
made from old stars
and their gritty knowledge,
with millions of wisdom
years within that heal
the nicked and rubble.
The endure-body
which mends itself over
and over again.
from The Poeming Pigeon: A Journal of Poetry & Art (#13)
nominated for The Pushcart Prize by Shawn Aveningo Sanders, editor/publisher
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