Head for the Hills
Hosted by Sherri Levine
Featuring Debbie Hall & Shawn Aveningo- Sanders
Tues, November 24, 2020
at 7 pm
via Zoom
To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 859 5477 6254
Passcode: 616315
About the Readers:
Shawn Aveningo-Sanders is the author of What She Was Wearing, an inspirational book of poetry/prose that reveals her #metoo secret—from survival to empowerment. Shawn’s poetry has appeared in, Amsterdam Quarterly, CALYX, American Journal of Poetry and Poets Reading the News, and many other literary journals. She’s co-founder of The Poetry Box® press, as well as managing editor for The Poeming Pigeon.
Debbie Hall is a psychologist, photographer and writer who lives in southern California. She is thrilled that her chapbook, Falling Into The River, won third place in the 2019 Poetry Box Chapbook Prize. She feels incredibly fortunate to have had the time and means to launch a second career as a poet after retiring from psychological practice. Debbie completed her MFA in 2017 at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon.