Tracking the Fox
by Rosalie Sanara Petrouske
Scheduled Release Date: Feb 1, 2023
For complete details, reviews and ordering information click here.
1st Place Winner The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize 2022
“The poems in Tracking the Fox unfold at the slow pace of a hike in the woods, inviting the pleasures and joys of nature, while never turning away from the shared struggles and pain of the poet’s Ojibwe heritage. Hers is a fearless language that holds it all, like the black ash basket she weaves with her daughter, welcoming every reader with each personal, conversational, and precise poem. This is an ambitious, necessary voice committed to truth-telling and the naming of creatures, large and small, that make up our world. In ‘The Sky I Was Born Under,’ written in homage to U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s piece of the same name, she describes the scene of her own birth, ending with the lines: ‘I wailed for the first time, my voice/ ricocheted in the stillness,/ and all the forest creatures paused to listen.’ Tracking the Fox will cause us all to pause and listen to the hard-won work of this poet coming into her own as a Native American woman and mother, promising: ‘we shall let our voices be heard.’”
—James Crews, contest judge, poet, editor of How to Love the World
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