we’re not real anyways
by maddie mitchell
Scheduled Release Date: July 15, 2021
we’re not real anyways explores mental health struggles, highs, lows, LGBTQ+ love, and heartbreak. These poems contain the struggles of dealing with many mental illnesses including depression, anxiety, OCD, BPD, PTSD, and anorexia nervosa. The collection was written during the author’s time at a residential eating disorder recovery facility and while participating in the step-down programs.
she tried to disappear, so he could finally be happy.
she wanted to fade away until a girl asked her to stay.
maybe she won’t always hate herself.
Maddie Mitchell’s book is a clarion call from the war zone of anorectic suffering. Her poems unveil and call to account the forces and indignities that imperil young women by pressuring them to be perfect and small. This is an emotionally searing, impressively crafted sequence that intertwines its statement of truth with an ongoing search for hope. It is the work of a talented young poet whose voice is haunting, inspiring and indelible.
—Barbara Burch, PhD,
Professor of English, Georgetown College
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