“Poem to My Unborn Child” by Doug Stone, a poem from the book, Sitting in Powell’s Watching Burnside Dissolve in Rain, released in August, 2020 by The Poetry Box, has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize.
Please enjoy the poem, and feel free to leave a comment.
“Poem to My Unborn Child”
On this silent bluff, in this grove of pine
I stand and watch the sea turn in moonlight.
The April night is fragrant with the scent
Of new grasses, the wet earth, and sweet pine.
Before the moon turns full again you will
Be born my child, born in the depth of Spring
When the white rain steps from the sea and strolls
Across the green land and the soft wind purrs
In the grass like a comfortable cat.
Love’s dream is born in Spring, renewed again
In a lover’s eyes or whispered in the warm
Afternoon when old men meet in the park
And they have shaken Winter from their tongues.
It is a good time to be born, my child.
You will own the sunshine and the white rain
And the legacy of the wind-shaped clouds
Will gleam forever in your April eyes.
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